Special Situations

Academic Appeal Process

Any student who has a conflict with an instructor should attempt to resolve the situation directly with the faculty member. However, in cases of alleged harassment, see the “Bluebook/Student Handbook,” faculty by-laws and the Human Resources Manual. If, after discussing the situation with the instructor, the student feels that the situation is still unresolved, she/he should discuss the situation with the appropriate division chair. If, after exhausting these channels, the student still feels that the situation is unresolved, she/he should meet with the vice president for academic affairs and the dean of the faculty. At any level of the appeal process, the instructor may be invited to participate in the meetings.

Exceptions to Regulations

A student or faculty member may petition the Committee on Academic Policy and Procedures for an exception to any academic regulation. The petition must give a complete rationale for an exception. The committee may consult with appropriate faculty and the student before ruling on the petition. Exceptions will be granted only for extraordinary circumstances.

Medical Leave of Absence

A medical leave may be granted or required for mental and/or physical conditions that interfere with a student’s ability to participate in campus life, including their ability to complete or make satisfactory progress toward academic goals or live in a residential setting. Medical leave is granted or required with the assistance of the director of counseling and/or director of the health center and requires appropriate medical documentation. The vice president for student development makes the final decision in supporting or denying the request or requirement for a medical leave in consultation with the appropriate staff member and medical documentation. Medical leave is not intended to shield a student from unsatisfactory progress or any other academic irregularity, nor does medical leave release a student from accountability to the Honor Principle or the regulations of the College.

Student-Initiated Medical Leave of Absence

A student experiencing mental or physical conditions that interfere with their ability to function and to meet academic requirements may apply for a medical leave of absence in order to obtain the medical or psychological treatment that will allow her/him to return to full-time study at Wilson.

  • A student may apply for a medical leave of absence at any point in the semester through the last day of classes. Before applying for a medical leave, the student must meet with either the director of counseling or the director of the health center to secure a recommendation for a medical leave. The College reserves the right to ask for further documentation (including but not limited to diagnoses, treatment plans and program notes) from non-college providers.
  • Following recommendation from the director of counseling or the director of the health center, the vice president for student development will make the final decision for approval of the medical leave of absence. In some instances, the vice president may meet with the student to review the terms and requirements set forth in the medical leave agreement.
  • When a medical leave is taken at Wilson, the grade of W (withdrawal) for each course will be recorded by the registrar. In certain circumstances, students may be eligible for an INC (incomplete) and will be subject to the policy outlined in the current academic regulations for the College.
  • Normal policies for refunds and deposits apply as stated. It is the responsibility of the student and/or their parents to check with the financial aid office regarding the terms of the financial aid policy in relation to the medical leave.
  • A student who is on medical leave of absence may not be in residence and must request permission from the vice president for student development to visit the campus.
  • A student preparing to return to Wilson from medical leave of absence must notify in writing the vice president for student development and the director of the counseling center or the director of the health center (whichever office recommended the medical leave). Notice of intent to return should be made to both offices as soon as reasonable with proper documentation and no later than 30 days prior to the start of the new semester.
  • To return to the College, a student must meet the requirements set forth in the medical leave agreement that was written at the time leave was taken. Requirements may include but are not limited to (1) evaluation of treatment protocol, (2) medication, (3) diagnosis, (4) follow-up treatment and (5) a readiness-to-return-to-college assessment provided by the treating professional(s) who worked with the student during the medical leave. Confidential medical information will be provided to either the director of counseling or the director of the health center, whichever office recommended the leave. In addition, students may be required to meet with the director of counseling or the director of the health center prior to readmission.
  • The director of counseling or the director of the health center will submit in writing to the vice president of student development a final recommendation regarding the student’s readmission. The vice president will notify the student in writing of her/his readmission to Wilson.
  • A student who extends their medical leave beyond one academic years must reapply to the College through the Office of Admissions.


College-Initiated Medical Leave of Absence

Wilson College reserves the right to place students on a college-initiated medical leave of absence when it becomes evident through observed behavior or by report(s) from faculty, staff or students that a leave from the College may be in the best interest of a student and the College. The vice president for student development will engage in a determination on a case-by-case basis and will apply the direct threat analysis, taking into consideration the nature, duration and severity of the risk and likelihood, imminence and nature of future harmful conduct, either to the student or to others in the college community.

Note: A full description of the direct threat analysis process from the U.S. Department of Education follows and includes the provision for interim removal from campus pending case review and final appeal.

These procedures will be followed when the College initiates a medical leave of absence.

  • The vice president for student development (and/or designee) will notify the student that a college-initiated medical leave is under consideration and will arrange to meet with the student. The vice president may require the student to undergo an evaluation by a licensed health care professional. The results of the evaluation, along with recommendations, will be forwarded to the director of counseling or the director of the health center. Any such recommendations are not binding on the College.
  • A review committee convened by the vice president for student development and consisting of the director of counseling (or designee), the director of the health center (or designee) and the dean of students (or designee) will meet to review all information related to the case – including any evaluations or treatment plans for the student – and will make a decision regarding the student’s status. Information provided to the review committee will be reviewed “blind” to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of the student is maintained. The student will be notified in writing of the review committee’s decision regarding a medical leave.
  • Within five days of receiving the notice of college-initiated medical leave, the student may appeal the decision by sending a written request to the vice president of student development stating why the student believes the medical leave is unwarranted. At the discretion of the vice president, the leave may remain in effect during the period of the appeal. The vice president will review the request; may consult with the student, the dean of students and/or the review committee; and may review the information considered by the review committee. The dean of students will make a decision within five days of receiving the appeal and will notify the student of the decision. This decision is final.
  • When a medical leave is taken at Wilson, the grade of W (withdrawal) for each course will be recorded by the registrar. In certain circumstances, students may be eligible for an Incomplete and will be subject to the policy outlined in the current academic regulations for the College.
  • Normal policies for refunds and deposits apply as stated. It is the responsibility of the student and/or their parents to check with the financial aid office regarding the terms of the financial aid policy in relation to the medical leave.
  • A student who is on college-initiated medical leave of absence may not be in residence and must request permission from the vice president to visit on campus.
  • A student preparing to return to Wilson from college-initiated medical leave of absence must notify in writing the vice president  and the director of counseling or the director of the health center. Notice of intent to return should be made to both offices as soon as reasonable with proper documentation and no later than 30 days prior to the start of the new semester.
  • To return to full-time status, a student must meet the requirements set forth in the medical leave agreement that was written at the time leave was taken. Requirements may include – but are not limited to (1) evaluation of treatment protocol, (2) medication, (3) diagnosis, (4) follow-up treatment and (5) a readiness-to-return-to-college assessment provided by the treating professional(s) who worked with the student during the medical leave. Confidential medical information will be provided to either the director of counseling or the director of the health center, whichever office recommended the leave. In addition, students may be required to meet with the director of counseling or the director of the health center prior to readmission.
  • The director of counseling or the director of the health center will submit in writing to the vice president a final recommendation regarding the student’s readmission. The vice president will notify the student in writing of their readmission to Wilson.
  • A student who extends their medical leave beyond two academic years must reapply to the College through the Office of Admissions.
  • According to the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights, the following steps should be taken in a “direct threat” situation:
  • The College needs to make an individualized and objective assessment of the student’s ability to safely participate in the College’s program(s), based on a reasonable medical judgment relying on the most current medical knowledge or best available objective evidence.
  • There must be a high probability of substantial harm and not just a slightly increased, speculative or remote risk.
  • The assessment must determine the nature, duration and severity of the risk; the probability that the potentially threatening injury will actually occur; and whether reasonable modifications of policies, practices or procedures will sufficiently mitigate the risk.
  • A student’s observed conduct, actions and statements should be considered, not mere knowledge or belief that the student is an individual with a disability.
  • Procedures should be followed to ensure that a student with a disability is not subjected to an adverse action based on unfounded fears, prejudice and stereotypes.

Where safety is of immediate concern, a college may remove a student from the campus pending a final decision against the student, as long as the student has had said notice of the removal and an initial opportunity to be heard, and a full opportunity to be heard and appeal rights are offered later.