TCP Enrollment
- Students are expected to be continuously enrolled unless they are on an approved Leave of Absence and to maintain the required GPA of 3.0.
- Grades of B or above are required in all education/special education courses.
- Students in a Teacher Certification Pathway may repeat education/special education courses only one time (i.e., a course may be taken for credit a maximum of two times). This does not include pre-practicum or student teaching practicum.
- If a student is formally removed from a pre-practicum or student teaching/intern practicum due to unsatisfactory teaching performance or for a lack of professionalism after use of an intervention plan, the student may not repeat either course.
The number of required courses for each student is based on a transcript evaluation of all completed baccalaureate and post-baccalaureate coursework, as well as work and life experience. This document lists the required courses the student needs to earn certification.
Once a TIP student passes the content area of the required state testing, then any remaining content courses they may need are waived. This would apply to PK-12, secondary and ML content tests only.