VMT 321 Pharmacology I
A study of the basic principles of pharmacology including pharmacodyamics and pharmacokinetics, dosage calculations, drugs affecting the nervous and cardiovascular systems, anesthesiology, and drugs used in pain management. Anesthetic drugs and anesthesia procedures will be emphasized in the laboratory. Animal care outside of class is mandatory. Three hours lecture for 15 weeks; three hours laboratory for 7 weeks. Prerequisites: BIO 101 or 110; MAT 103; CHM 101 or 103; VMT 213; 216; VMT 313--must be taken either prior to or at the same time as this course. (4 sem. hrs.)
BIO-101 or BIO-110, CHM-101 or CHM-103,MAT-103, VMT-213 andýVMT-216 with a minimum grade C in all prerequisites,VMT-313
Fall and Summer